Across The Pond Wargamers
Across The Pond Wargamers is a podcast dedicated to promoting the wargaming hobby across all geographies and ages. Podcasts are of an interview/discussion format centered around topics of interest to the wargaming community.
Podcasting since 2020 • 25 episodes
Across The Pond Wargamers
Latest Episodes
Episode 24: – “Mutual Attraction”
In episode 24 we speak with Jason Weiser of Military Miniatures magazine about why certain periods attract more players than others. We discuss our thoughts on why WW2 & Napoleonics always claim the top spots in popularity. Also...
Season 2
Episode 24

Episode 22: – “Getting your feet wet”
In this episode we speak with Jon Yuengling about Naval Wargaming. This show was taped last October but due to some technical issues I am only now able to get this out. When you listen you will hear some major gaps and breaks due to...
Season 2
Episode 22

Episode 23 - An evening chat
In this episode Collin and I talk about inspiration; what motivates us to try a period or game. As we hadn’t published in a while and discovered we had an evening free at the same time we decided to get back in the saddle and put out a ve...
Season 2
Episode 23

Episode 21 - Podcast vs Podcast
In this episode we are joined by Michael & James from The Canadian Wargamer podcast and Jay from The Veteran Wargamer podcast as they go head-to-head in our first “pub” quiz. The winning team will have $100 donated to the charity of t...
Season 2
Episode 21